Thursday, January 15, 2009

Week 1: Just Chocolate

For Week 1 I was sorely tempted to attempt a batch of Chocolate Mint fudge, but I wanted to make one more successful batch of just plain fudge first. I have to admit that my initial plan was to share a significant portion of this batch with my friends. After all, I had already finished off the second batch of fudge since Christmas! [Yes, I have some self-control issues when it comes to fudge. Are you ready to start taking bets on how much weight I'm going to gain this year? LOL. Please don't - hopefully I'll gain some self-control by virtue of the fact that it will be around frequently and not such a rare, coveted treat.] So...when I poured the fudge and starting cutting it up and preparing to keep some and give some to each of four families...well...I only ended up sharing 4 pieces with each couple. Hey, it's a pretty small batch! But I did promise them that there would be more!

[Recipe temporarily removed]

This is what I'm starting with; some history and modifications of this recipe to come later (when I'm not also trying to entertain an active baby on my lap).

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