Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fudge Art

Within days of hearing of my New Year's resolution, my dear young friend F presented me with this lovely piece of art to help keep me focused on my goal. I'm not sure if it was her idea, or if her mother put her up to it, but I love it. I keep it on my kitchen windowsill, right next to the stove.

There needs to be more art related to the love of fudge. A quick google search came up with almost nothing. A couple designs on cafe press and an artist by the name of Carl Fudge where the best I could come up with. However, a google image search for fudge did come up with some tasty looking results. I may have to try the Spud know, for research purposes. Oooh, I just found this: Pumpkin Pie fudge. I think I want to try making that one, once I branch out from chocolate varieties. Wow, I'm finding all sorts of interesting things on the google image search. I found a recipe that involves pouring fudge over frozen Twinkies. That sounds like a bit much for me, but it was interesting to read.

I want to work on photographing my fudge. I tried a few times, but the pics just didn't look that great. I'm not sure what I need; better lighting, better angles, better camera? I'll have to keep trying. This last batch (the white chocolate swirl) looked very pretty. I wish I had taken a picture of it, but it was a very busy day and I just didn't have time. My kitchen is pretty small and I had to cut it up and put it away so I could cook dinner (it was my turn to host FD).

On a different note, I wish this blogging program was slightly easier to use. I can't easily move the photos around, hence the strange layout at the top. I also can't figure out how to make the "fudge" plaque my banner at the top, without obscuring the title. It's kind of annoying. sigh. It's also posting this on the date I started it, not on the date I'm actually posting it. I don't like that either.

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